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Fold a piece of paper in three parts. These will be the head, the body and the legs of your creature. Now find two friends! The first one of you will draw the head in the first part, then fold the paper so the next person can't see what they have drew (only some reference lines to show where the neck ends). When this second person finishes their part of the drawing, the body, they will fold it again and lend it to the third person, who will draw the legs. Finally, unfold and admire your creature. You can adapt this game so more people can participe by adding a hat and/or shoes.

una calavera
cadaver exquisito
Dibujos hechos sobre manchas de colores


Grab some markers, watercolors or any kind of paint and take turns drawing random shapes across the paper page. The other person has to turn your blob into whatever it rensembles to them.

If you don't have paint, you can also make scribbles with pen or pencil, and turn those into creatures, silly objects, cartoon characters and whatever your imagination sees in them.

una mancha gris


Each person participating has a paper or canvas in front of them. A time limit is set (it can be 30s, 1min, 5min...), when the timer finishes, they need to stop drawing and grab the canvas of the person next to them. The timer is put on again, as many times as you want.

This can be described as some kind of exquisite cadaver, since every drawing is a Frankenstein of little elements added by all the participants when it was their turn to draw on that canvas.

una mancha gris
Dibujo hecho por varias personas


Make an collaborative illustration with another artist, interchanging it with them after every step in the drawing process. This is: one person does the sketch, another does the lineart, another adds color to the drawing...

This may differ from person to person depending on what steps their drawing process have. An easiest way to do is: each of you make a sketch and then finish the other person's sketch.

una mascara de carnaval


Find a limited palete everyone participating likes, and make a drawing using only those colors. You can also do this alone to practise your coloring skills and challenge yourself to work with limited colors. It's up to you to decide if you can only use those colors or you allow mixing them, using color modes... this is just for fun, after all, do what you enjoy the most!

Paleta de colores
Tres dibujos hechos con la misma paleta de colores
Tres dibujos inspirados en etereo hada y sol


One of the simplest and easiest way to inspire you when you don't have any creative idea. Find a prompt, either imagine it, find inspiration in books, movies or social media or use an online prompt generator. Then make a drawing based on what that specific sentence feels like to you.

You can do this with friends to see how differently all of you interpetate the prompt.





INDECISES 2024. Made by Ermes Olea.


Illustration by @sandrune_art, @sandyycosmos and @alepsie.

Background images from pexels.

Some scripts retrieved from w3schools, slider from codingnepalweb.com, gelatine animation from codepen.io./